新冠疫情爆发后,体温就成了我们时刻关注的对象,测量体温成了衡量身体健康的重要依据。红外体温计、水银体温计、电子体温计是常用的测量体温的工具。 红外体温计可快速测量体温,但其精确度受到皮肤表皮和环境温度的影响,因此只适用于需要快速筛查的场所。 水银体温计测量时间较长,读数不方便容易出现偏差,由于易破...
了解更多血压是衡量身体是否健康的重要指标,而血压的准确测量在医学测量中非常重要,不仅影响对自己健康的判断,也会影响医生对病情的诊断。 据相关研究表明,袖带臂围不匹配可导致收缩压和舒张压测量结果偏高。因此,不同臂围的患者,最好使用不同型号的血压计袖带测量血压,以免出现假性高血压。 下表为使用不同规格的血压袖...
了解更多输液加压袋的适用范围: 1.输液加压袋主要用于输血输液时的快速加压输入,以帮助血液、血浆、心脏停博液等袋装液体尽快进入人体; 2.用于持续加压含肝素液体以冲洗内置的动脉测压管; 3.用于神经介入或心血管介入手术时加压输液; 4.用于开放性手术的创面与器械冲洗; 5.广泛适用于医院、战场、野外等场合,是急诊、手术...
了解更多血氧饱和度是呼吸循环的重要生理参数,临床中,我们常常用血氧探头来监测人体血氧饱和度,虽然血氧饱和度监测是一种连续无创的监测方法,且在临床中被广泛使用,但并非百分之百安全,有时也会出现灼伤风险。 在国内,临床麻醉中遇到3例使用POM手指探头引起手指指腹严重灼伤的案例 图片来源:王金生、王进的研究报告《脉...
了解更多世界卫生组织发布的报告显示,全球每年约有1500万早产儿,超过全部新生儿的10%。而在这些早产儿中,全球每年大约有110万例死于早产并发症。其中中国是早产儿人数最多的国家之一,排在全球第二位。 随着人口老龄化,中共中央于2021年5月31日正式确认实行三孩政策,但根据调查发现,我国第一个独生子女大多已超过35岁,当...
了解更多据美国媒体报道,12月22日,奥密克戎毒株已蔓延至美国全国50个州以及华盛顿特区。 除美国外,在欧洲部分国家,单日新增确诊病例数仍呈现爆炸式增长。据法国公共卫生部门12月25日发布的数据显示,该国过去24小时新增确诊病例首次超过10万例,达到104611例,为疫情暴发以来新高。 而中国也出现了这种变异株病毒,据中国青...
了解更多回首2021,新冠疫情对全球经济造成了一定的冲击,也让医疗行业的发展形势充满挑战,在过去的一年里,各大医疗企业在面临严峻的国际局势下,为麻醉耗材领域提供各种学术服务,并积极为广大医护工作人员提供抗疫物资以及搭建远程的共享交流平台,展现出强大的社会责任与担当。 在麻醉操作过程中,离不开各种器械和耗材的辅...
了解更多目前,国内外疫情依然面临着严峻的形势,随着香港第五波新冠疫情的到来,国家卫健委、国家疾病预防控制距高度重视,密切关注,全力支持香港政府有效应对疫情,尽早遏制疫情快速蔓延态势,打好疫情防控的攻坚战。 为打赢疫情防控这场没有硝烟的战争,加强为人民健康筑牢安全屏障。其中隔离酒店和方舱医院是阻断疫情传播...
了解更多At present, the epidemic situation in china and the world is still facing a severe situation. With the arrival of the fifth wave of the new crown epidemic in Hong Kong, the National Health Commission and the National Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention attach great importance to it, pay clos...
了解更多At present, the epidemic situation in china and the world is still facing a severe situation. With the arrival of the fifth wave of the new crown epidemic in Hong Kong, the National Health Commission and the National Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention attach great importance to it, pay clos...
了解更多Looking back on 2021, the new crown epidemic has had a certain impact on the global economy, and it has also made the development of the medical industry full of challenges. Academic services, and actively provide medical staff with anti-epidemic materials and build a remote sharing and communica...
了解更多Looking back on 2021, the new crown epidemic has had a certain impact on the global economy, and it has also made the development of the medical industry full of challenges. Academic services, and actively provide medical staff with anti-epidemic materials and build a remote sharing and communica...
了解更多According to U.S. media reports, on December 22, the Omicron strain had spread to 50 U.S. states and Washington, D.C. In addition to the United States, in some European countries, the number of new confirmed cases in a single day is still showing an explosive growth. According to data released by...
了解更多According to a report released by the World Health Organization, there are about 15 million premature babies worldwide each year, more than 10% of all newborns. Among these premature babies, there are approximately 1.1 million deaths worldwide each year from complications of premature birth. Amon...
了解更多SpO₂ is an important physiological parameter of breathing and circulation. In clinical practice, we often use SpO₂ probes to monitor human SpO₂. Although SpO₂ monitoring is a continuous non-invasive monitoring method, it is widely used in clinical practice. It is not 100% safe to use, and sometim...
了解更多The scope of application of the infusion pressurized bag: 1. The infusion pressurized bag is mainly used for rapid pressurized input during blood transfusion to help the bagged liquid such as blood, plasma, cardiac arrest fluid enter the human body as soon as possible; 2. Used to continuously pre...
了解更多Blood pressure is an important indicator to measure whether the body is healthy, and accurate measurement of blood pressure is very important in medical measurement. It not only affects the judgment of one’s health, but also affects the doctor’s diagnosis of the condition. According t...
了解更多After the outbreak of the new crown epidemic, body temperature has become the object of our constant attention, and measuring body temperature has become an important basis for measuring health. Infrared thermometers, mercury thermometers, and electronic thermometers are commonly used tools for m...
了解更多SpO₂ is one of the important vital signs, which can reflect the oxygen supply of the body. Monitoring arterial SpO₂ can estimate the oxygenation of the lungs and the oxygen-carrying capacity of hemoglobin. Arterial SpO₂ is between 95% and 100%, which is normal; between 90% and 95%, it is mild hyp...
了解更多Depth of anesthesia refers to the degree of inhibition of the body caused by anesthesia and stimulation acting on the human body. Too shallow or too deep will cause physical or mental harm to the patient. Maintaining an appropriate depth of anesthesia is very important to ensure patient safety an...
了解更多Modern medicine believes that abnormal changes in pelvic floor tissue caused by pregnancy and vaginal delivery are independent risk factors for postpartum urinary incontinence. Prolonged second stage of labor, device-assisted delivery, and lateral perineal incision can aggravate pelvic floor dama...
了解更多The temperature probe is generally divided into body surface temperature probe and body cavity temperature probe. The body cavity temperature probe can be called oral cavity temperature probe, nasal cavity temperature probe, esophageal temperature probe, rectal temperature probe, ear canal temper...
了解更多The ECG lead wire is a commonly used accessory for medical monitoring. It connects between ECG monitoring equipment and ECG electrodes, and is used to transmit human ECG signals. It plays an important role in the diagnosis, treatment, and rescue of medical staff. However, the traditional ECG lead...
了解更多Recently, MedLinket’s blood oxygen saturation module, neonatal blood oxygen probe and neonatal temperature probe have been applied to a customer’s independently developed neonatal vital signs monitoring mattress, which can monitor neonatal pulse, blood oxygen, temperature and other v...