目前,国内外疫情依然面临着严峻的形势,随着香港第五波新冠疫情的到来,国家卫健委、国家疾病预防控制距高度重视,密切关注,全力支持香港政府有效应对疫情,尽早遏制疫情快速蔓延态势,打好疫情防控的攻坚战。 为打赢疫情防控这场没有硝烟的战争,加强为人民健康筑牢安全屏障。其中隔离酒店和方舱医院是阻断疫情传播...
了解更多回首2021,新冠疫情对全球经济造成了一定的冲击,也让医疗行业的发展形势充满挑战,在过去的一年里,各大医疗企业在面临严峻的国际局势下,为麻醉耗材领域提供各种学术服务,并积极为广大医护工作人员提供抗疫物资以及搭建远程的共享交流平台,展现出强大的社会责任与担当。 在麻醉操作过程中,离不开各种器械和耗材的辅...
了解更多Global ECG Cable and ECG Lead wires Market was valued at USD 1.22 billion in 2019 and is projected to reach USD 1.78 billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 5.3% from 2020 to 2027. Impact of COVID-19: ECG Cable and ECG Lead wires Market report analyses the impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19) on the EC...
了解更多June 21, 2017, China FDA announced the 14thnotice of medical devices quality and published quality supervision & sample inspection situation of 3 categories 247 sets products such as disposable tracheal tubes, medical electronic thermometer etc. Random-inspected samples which does not meet t...
了解更多“Neonatal surgery is with great challenge, but as a doctor, I have to solve it because some surgeries are imminent, we will miss the change if we dont do it this time.” The pediatric cardiothoracic surgery chief physician Dr. Jia of Fudan University pediatric hospital said after the s...